Volvo Cars has unveiled its expansive software testing facility in Sweden, marking a pivotal step
in the company’s pursuit of an all-electric future. With the increasing trend towards online
vehicle sales, the facility focuses on testing and improving cutting-edge software systems, which
are at the core of Volvo’s vision for their next-generation automobiles. These software-driven
vehicles will feature in-house developed software and receive regular over-the-air updates to
enhance functionality and security.
Spanning an impressive 22,000 square meters and requiring an initial investment of
approximately SEK 300 million, the new software testing center is the flagship addition to Volvo
Cars’ global network of engineering centers and Tech Hubs. While the company already
operates software test centers in Lund, Sweden, and Shanghai, China, the Gothenburg facility
is now the largest both in terms of size and capacity. In addition to Krakow and Singapore,
Volvo Cars maintains Tech Hubs in Stockholm and Lund (Sweden) and Bengaluru (India).
Anders Bell, the global head of R&D, describes the new center as a cutting-edge facility serving
as the global hub for software testing and validation. It allows developers from around the world
to conduct remote software tests 24/7, 365 days a year. Bell believes this facility will set a new
industry benchmark