In an effort to ensure the availability of safer vehicles and assess their safety prior to official launches, the Indian government has taken a significant stride by introducing the Bharat New Car Assessment Programme (Bharat NCAP). The program’s launch is set to be carried out by Nitin Gadkari, India’s Minister of Road, Transport and Highways, on August 22, as per official information.
The Press Information Bureau (PIB) confirmed this news, stating that Bharat NCAP represents a substantial advancement in the government’s commitment to enhancing road safety by elevating the safety standards of motor vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes within India. The initiative’s goal is to offer car consumers a means to make informed comparisons regarding the crash safety of available vehicles in the market.
The program’s primary objective is to compel all car manufacturers to adhere to a set of regulations established by the entity, with the aim of enhancing vehicle safety on Indian roads. This governmental decision comes in response to the increasing demand for safety features from Indian car buyers.