Vaibhav Taneja, an Indian-origin luminary, has been named the new Chief Financial Officer of Tesla, according to an official company filing on Monday, following the voluntary retirement of the previous financial steward, Zachary Kirkhorn.
Taneja, 45, took over as Tesla’s CFO alongside his current work as the American electric vehicle titan’s Chief Accounting Officer (CAO) last Friday. Kirkhorn, Tesla’s esteemed financial overseer and ‘Master of Coin’ for the past four years, stepped down as a result of this critical change.
Kirkhorn’s renowned thirteen-year stint within the halls of Elon Musk‘s American electric vehicle behemoth was lauded in the official corporate filing as a period of “remarkable expansion and burgeoning.” The filing also highlighted Tesla’s appreciation for Kirkhorn’s significant contributions to the company, emphasising his commitment to ensuring a smooth transition until the end of the year.
Kirkhorn stated in a LinkedIn article, “This morning Tesla announced that I’ve stepped down from my role as Chief Financial Officer, to be succeeded by our Chief Accounting Officer, Vaibhav Taneja.” In a mood of reflection, he added, “Being a part of this company is a singularly distinctive journey, and I take profound pride in our collective achievements since my induction over thirteen years ago. As I navigate my responsibilities during this phase of transition, I extend my gratitude to the brilliant, impassioned, and diligent Tesla workforce, who have accomplished feats that many deemed implausible. I also extend my appreciation to Elon for his galvanizing leadership and sanguinity, qualities that have served as a wellspring of inspiration for countless individuals.”
This development has far-reaching ramifications for Tesla’s future, as Taneja inherits financial responsibility while standing on the shoulders of his predecessor’s illustrious record.