Tata Motors, the leading player in the electric passenger vehicle market, has shared compelling insights into the ownership and usage patterns of EVs based on data gathered from the sale of over 100,000 electric cars in India. This substantial sample size, representing a market share of over 70%, provides a representative snapshot of the current electric vehicle landscape.
One noteworthy revelation is that 23% of Tata Motors’ EV owners are first-time car buyers, a remarkable statistic given prevailing concerns about electric vehicle ownership. Shailesh Chandra, MD of Tata Passenger Electric Mobility, expressed satisfaction with this trend, noting that the increasing number of first-time buyers indicates a diminishing apprehension surrounding EV ownership. Interestingly, 75% of EV owners reported using their electric vehicles as their primary mode of transportation.
Contrary to expectations, half of Tata Motors’ EV sales originate from areas outside the top 20 cities. Despite facing challenges such as a sparse charging network, low-quality electricity, and power cuts, these owners predominantly rely on home charging, typically conducted overnight. Tata Motors’ data reveals that 93% of EV owners charge their vehicles at home or in their offices during the evening hours, from 6 to 11 pm.
Leveraging the extensive data collected from its large electric fleet, which includes both personal and fleet-operated vehicles, Tata Motors has amassed 1.4 billion kilometers of EV usage data. This information encompasses driving and charging patterns, commonly used long-distance routes, and frequented charging points. The company utilizes this data to continually enhance and fine-tune its electric vehicle products.
Another notable statistic is that 24% of the EVs sold by Tata Motors were purchased by women, double the industry average for female buyers. Shailesh Chandra remarked on the positive trend, emphasizing that women buyers are recognizing and embracing the benefits of EVs.
Analyzing data from the on-board connectivity suite, Tata Motors found that, on average, EVs are driven for 26 days a month, representing a substantial 23% increase compared to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. The monthly average distance covered by EVs is 1,400 km, which is 10% more than that of ICE vehicles.
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