Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica is set to make its India debut, five months after its global reveal. Despite an official launch still away, Lamborghini has already started receiving bookings. The company recently sold the 200th unit of its Urus SUV in the country. And, a similar response is also being witnessed for latest iteration of its Huracan Supercar.
The new Huracan Tecnica is positioned between the car’s standard variant – Huracan EVO – and the track-focused variant – Huracan STO. It is “more or less a combination” of both the variants, as described by Rouven Mohr, chief technical officer, Lamborghini. The car features a new Y-shaped graphic below the headlamps, hexagonal exhaust tips, and a redesigned front bumper. While the final word on the pricing is yet to be out, the upcoming car is most likely to be positioned below the HuracanSTO, which retails at a starting price of Rs 4.99 crore in India.